In order to get points on YSWIGS, you'll need to log in your account firstly,
If you don't have an account, please Register here. Sign up/log in


Points/Currency Exchange Rate: 100 Reward Points = $1.00Points will be credited to your account once you confirm delivery of your order.


Spent $153.9 = 154 points, the part that is less than one dollar counts for one dollar. Every 100 points = $1, can be used in your order.

  • 100 Points→ Register To be a member of YSWIGS, get 100 Points. Sign Up for Newsletter when register get more 50 points. Any complete order from website can get related points,

  • cost $1= get 1 Point; the system will add points automatically.

  • positive Reviews on our website, will get 30 points.

  • Photo of wearing our hair=200 points, send us the photo by email, will get 200 points
  • Videos of wearing our hair=1000 points, send us the videos by email will get 1000 points

PS: Points depend on the comments/photos/ videos quality 
(Photos & videos request: Beautiful and Clearly half-body(from head to waist)
ensure your hair is the focus.)